Category Archives: Meditation/Breathing

What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is an innate human ability to be fully present, completely aware of where we are, what we’re doing, and the space we’re moving through without being overly reactive or overwhelmed by our surroundings. So often our mind jumps from thought to thought, we lose touch with our body, and we become...
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Breath as an Anchor by Julie Shullo

Do you feel like your mind is so full of chatter that you can’t focus on your tasks? Perhaps your student has the same issue with an assignment? Try this breathing exercise to anchor your mind to your body so you can focus on the present moment.       Breath as an Anchor Close...
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Positive Affirmation Meditation By Michelle Schwarzmann

This meditation builds on the recent blog post, “Creating Your Own Positive Affirmations.” Once you create your own, try the meditation below. If you don’t have one, google “affirmations for _________ ” (your desired area of focus) or, check out this link: and then try the meditation below. Positive Affirmation Meditation Steps for a...
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Bumblebee Breathing By Michelle Schwarzmann

This breathing exercise reduces anxiety, calms overstimulation and helps inspire creative ideas…perfect for the holiday season! How can breathing do that? Try it to find out. Get in a comfortable, seated position. Take a couple of cleansing breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Close your eyes. Using your thumbs, close your...
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Hand Breathing by Julie Shullo

Feeling anxious or struggling to focus in class? Try a quick brain break by doing hand breathing.  It will calm your mind, so you can refocus on your work. 1. Place either your left or right hand palm side down on a desk or other flat surface with your fingers spread out. 2. With the...
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