Yoga and Stamina

Yoga is a fun way to build self-esteem, incorporate play in learning, and alleviate stress and frustration. Michelle incorporates the teachings of yoga with traditional educational therapy to assist students in building greater stamina, calmness and inner confidence.

Meditation Yoga and Stamina Nutrition Emotions

What Is Yoga?

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word for union-the union of body, mind, and soul. It quiets the mind, strengthens the body, and utilizes the breath. Michelle incorporates yoga poses into sessions as a way to build balance, stamina, and focus. Using various poses in sessions teaches students how to stave off boredom, endure difficult learning challenges, alleviate mental stress and frustration, and integrate fun physical activity.

The Benefits of Yoga Techniques In Learning

    • Improves concentration and a sense of calmness and relaxation
    • Physically, it enhances a student’s flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness
    • Builds stamina to endure learning challenges
    • Improves their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation
    • Alleviates mental stress and frustration of learning challenges
    • Gets the blood moving and is a fun activity to incorporate play into learning
    • Connects student more deeply with his/her trust in the inner self
    • Positive effect on learning and memory. (