Category Archives: Education

Using Self-Reflection as a Tool to Achieve Goals…

School years are coming to an end. Self reflect while everything is still fresh. What worked? What didn’t? Most students want to move on and enjoy summer. By the time the next term comes around, memories lapse and old habits kick in. In order to use metacognition, or the fancy term for thinking about thinking,...
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Prepping for Online Finals

Finals are looming and online learning is shifting how finals are not only being administered, but the content. Teachers and professors are testing application rather than rote knowledge since you can’t look up application as easily. Others are going to essay formats. Here are a few tips to get through finals as painlessly as possible...
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Effectiveness of Blue Light Glasses

Eye strain? Headaches? Staying up and not sleeping long enough? Most of our students are online for a significant amount of their day with school, homework, and hobbies like video gaming and social networking requiring an increased amount of screen time. I’m feeling the impact of eye strain going 100% virtual, and my students are...
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            “If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done.”  ― Rita Mae Brown The more time we have, the more time we take.  It’s the way of procrastination. Try utilizing the 4 steps below to get started and stop procrastinating.  1. Chunk down an assignment, project, or...
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Stress Management Techniques for Students

Most students will experience stress at one point or another throughout their education. In fact, the American Psychological Association reported that teens experience stress equally as much as adults. What’s also worth noting about the study is that even though teens are just as stressed as adults, they actually are less equipped to handle it.  ...
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