Tips For Getting Students With ADHD to Concentrate

If your student has struggled with a learning difference and/or ADHD, you know how difficult it can be to concentrate at times. This challenge can make homework, studying and even time in a classroom especially tiresome. With that said, we thought it may be helpful to put together a quick list of approaches to help make you or your students more productive when focusing is an issue.

Use Music

According to a recent article on ADDitude, “Research indicates that music strengthens areas of the brain that, in a child with ADHD, are weak. Music strengthens the auditory, visual/spatial, and motor cortices of the brain. These areas are tied to speech and language skills, reading, reading comprehension, math, problem-solving, brain organization, focus, and attention challenges”

Start experimenting to find out what songs resonate most with your child. Try different musical beats and tones while they are studying or doing chores. We like Spotify’s playlist Deep Focus or experimenting with the playlists in the “Study” genre of Spotify like Deep Concentration or Just Focus. Or try the link below.

Make Lists Or Batch 

Studies have shown that ADHD can sometimes make it difficult to prioritize tasks. Try making a list during homework time to figure out what assignments should be tackled first. We also recommend trying to “batch” tasks, or group similar tasks together.

Batching is the process of bundling similar tasks that use similar resources for an easier path to completion. Unlike multi-tasking, where you work on a number of different projects at once, diverting your focus, batching allows you to group your similar tasks into different time blocks and take a break after each block is completed.

View Our Full Guide On Time Batching >>


We cannot stress enough how effective movement is for studying and during homework time. Because sitting still can be challenging for those with ADHD, incorporating some type of movement can be very therapeutic and lead to improved concentration. During our IET sessions, we often use our own form of Yoga-style postures to help with attention or concentration. Our students have been able to see success using these different stretches, along with breath to help improve their cognitive performance.

“A study conducted by the International Journal of Yoga, delivered results proving that when yoga was practiced by high-stress students, their stress levels lowered AND they performed better in school. A few of our favorite poses for improving stress and boosting concentration are pictured below. “

Learn More About Yoga for Kids >>

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