Listening & Active Listening, Tips & Tricks

Did You Know? Research suggests that we only remember around 25-50% of what we hear. That means, naturally, students are only retaining half of what a teacher is communicating.

Because listening is a skill, it is actually something that can be refined and improved. By becoming a better listener, students are able to perform better in school and develop a valuable skill for their future. Here are a few tips to improve listening skills.

No Multitasking

Be Present in the Conversation: Avoid distractions and try to focus on whoever is speaking. If you are messing with an iPhone or looking at the environment around you it’s easy to check out and not retain all of the information.

Ask Questions

Asking questions allows us to further understand what someone is saying; feel free to write questions down and then ask them at the end. This, of course, is more beneficial than interrupting someone.


At the end of a conversation, or even a lecture at school, either paraphrase what your key takeaways were or spark up a conversation with someone around you to go over what you learned.

Non Verbal Signs

Sometimes, it may be appropriate to use generic non-verbal signs throughout a conversation to show that you are actively listening. Cues like eye contact, posture and mirroring help promote a good conversation and show the speaker you are engaged.

Share Experiences

Relating your own experiences to what you are learning may help you better understand the information you are receiving by relating it to the things you already know.

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